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 Why ECHO?
Vision Statement
Lack of Basic Facilities
Endangered Species
ECHO￿s Primary Goals
Health Camps
Vocational Schools
Slide Presentations
 Communities' Response
Permission for Vocational     Schools
Pledge of the Communities
Educational Meetings
 Natural Disasters
2005 Earthquake
 Positive Impact on Wildlife
Effect on Endangered Wildlife
 ECHO￿s Expectations
Future Plan
 About the Founder
Biographical Information
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The poverty of the area is exacerbated by natural and man-made disasters, some of which could be remedied through the ECHO awareness program:

  1. Landslides
  2. Earthquakes
  3. Snow and avalanches
  4. Attacks by insects and parasites
  5. Deforestation, lopping of trees, timber extraction
  6. Livestock grazing and grass cutting, resulting in habitat destruction
  7. Hunting and poaching
  8. Mineral extraction
  9. Excessive use of wood in buildings and in fireplaces

A secondary reason for ECHO￿s creation is ￿The conservation of the Southern Himalayan threatened and endangered species and their habitat in collaboration with local communities.￿